How To Win At Texas Holdem Poker Every Time

Every time you read a Texas Hold'em strategy article, you should be actively trying to absorb the information as you go along. It's all well and good reading a whole bunch of articles, but if nothing is sinking in or making a real difference to the way you play, then it's going to be pretty useless. Play Fewer Hands And Play Them Aggressively. There is a limit on how many starting hands you. Free Poker - Texas Holdem. Free Poker - Texas Holdem Here is our link on Google Play. . Texas Holdem, a classy way to have fun. Sit-N-Go tournaments, 9 sharks, fixed buy-in and only Big Wins!. Jackpot Slot, love to gamble? Spin and win chips in between hands with the slot machine. Dash Poker, no need to wait anymore, so play as fast as you can. Prove your strength in Golden Tournament with high stakes and poker.

Bet Size
Basics 2
Reasons To Bet
Pot Odds
Implied Odds
Expected Value
Sklanksy Dollars
Stack Sizes
Value Betting
Relative Position
Continuation Bet
Semi Bluff
3 Bet
Multiple Level Thinking
Table Image
Beginner Tips
Micro Limit Strategy
Short Stack Strategy
Table Analysis

Higher Level Poker.

The following are more advanced strategy articles written by Jack Wilcox, who was a winning cash game player up to $400NL. They were originally posted on his Higher Level Poker training site for small/micro stakes players.

These strategy articles make use of player stats like VPIP/PFR.

Calling From Blinds vs. A StealJack WilcoxGeneralIntermediate26 Feb, 2011
Semi-Bluffing By Raising All InJack WilcoxPlaysAdvanced26 Feb, 2011
3Betting Preflop In The Micro StakesJack WilcoxPlaysIntermediate27 Feb, 2011
The Real Objective Of PokerJack WilcoxPsychologyBeginner27 Feb, 2011
Continuation BettingJack WilcoxPlaysBeginner26 Mar, 2011
4Betting MathematicsJack WilcoxMathematicsAdvanced28 Mar, 2011
Check-Raising As A BluffJack WilcoxPlaysIntermediate1 Apr, 2011
Attacking 3BettorsJack WilcoxGeneralAdvanced3 Apr, 2011
Preflop Opening RangesKyle GarnerGeneralBeginner14 Apr, 2011
Floating The FlopJack WilcoxPlaysBeginner14 Apr, 2011
Breaking Down Your WinrateJack WilcoxGeneralIntermediate9 May, 2011
Winning Money From Bad PlayersJack WilcoxGeneralIntermediate22 Oct, 2011
Playing Blind vs. BlindJack WilcoxGeneralAdvanced25 Oct, 2011
The Importance Of PositionJack WilcoxGeneralBeginner6 Nov, 2011
Relative Hand StrengthJack WilcoxConceptsBeginner6 Nov, 2011
5 Tips To Improve Your GameJack WilcoxGeneralBeginner29 Nov, 2011
Objectivity In PokerKyle GarnerPsychologyIntermediate5 Dec, 2011
Optimal Bet SizingJohnathan ChanConceptsBeginner20 Jan, 2012

Using Texas Hold'em strategy articles.

When it comes to Texas Hold'em strategy, it's not about how much you read, it's about how much you learn.

Every time you read a Texas Hold'em strategy article, you should be actively trying to absorb the information as you go along. It's all well and good reading a whole bunch of articles, but if nothing is sinking in or making a real difference to the way you play, then it's going to be pretty useless.

If you actually take the strategy from this site on board and use it during play, I don't see any reason why you can't win money from Texas Hold'em. Winning money from Texas Hold'em is pretty straightforward when you know how.

Is this Texas Holdem strategy any good?

How to win at texas holdHow To Win At Texas Holdem Poker Every Time

Or, to put it another way, why should you take strategy advice from me?

I have been playing winning poker for a number of years. I'm not the God of Texas Hold'em strategy (I'm working on it), but the advice in these Texas Hold'em strategy articles has allowed me to consistently win money right up to the mid to high stakes tables. I like to think that's a good enough reason to trust my articles!

If you want more information and find out who I am, have a look at the about me page.

Even though I am very confident that the strategy on this site is of great quality, I always recommend exercising a little common sense when it comes to Texas Hold'em strategy and tips. Anyone can write poker strategy and post it on the Internet, but that doesn't make it good strategy. Think about what you're reading, and if it makes sense to you then perfect. It's a great idea to take advice from other successful players, but it's even better to use your head at the same time.

Image credit - Danny Maxwell
Whether you're playing with friends or at an online site, the goal of poker is to win. Of course, this is easier said than done today when you consider that there's a wealth of poker strategy available today. But that certainly doesn't mean your case for becoming a successful player is hopeless. This is especially the case if you read the following step-by-step guide on how to win at Texas Holdem poker.

Basic Texas Holdem Poker Strategy

It's worth stressing that, above all, you need a solid grasp of basic strategy. But what exactly does this encompass? A great place to begin is with a starting hand chart. The single biggest mistake by beginners is trying to play too many hands; starting hand charts quickly break you of this by serving as a guideline for which cards to play preflop. When you gain more experience with no limit holdem strategy, you can branch out and play more hands based on the table dynamic.

Top Texas Holdem Sites

The next step is to gain an understanding of simple poker math concepts.'Pot odds' is among the most-basic and helpful because this helps determine whether or not you should make a call post-flop. For instance, you and a single opponent see the flop and the pot is worth $10; your opponent bets $5 and you are now left deciding whether it's worth risking $5 to win a pot that's worth $15 (including opponent's bet). This makes your pot odds 15:5, or 3:1, meaning you need better than a 3:1 chance of hitting your drawing hand to make this a profitable call.
Pot odds are only the tip of the iceberg, and you should continue adding implied odds, reverse implied odds, equity, bet sizing and more to your knowledge arsenal. Other concepts that you want to master as a beginner include limiting your bluffing, knowing table position and bankroll management.

Study Opponents and Focus

Image Credit - Yanning Van De Wouwer
One of the first struggles that you'll incur when trying to learn how to win at Texas Holdem involves paying attention to the game. Unless you're starting out with a fast-fold variant, which we don't recommend, you'll find that poker is a really slow-moving game. So you might be tempted to multi-task while playing or even try playing more than one online table at once (multi-tabling).
But we highly discourage doing anything like this right away because you should be 100% focused on your opponents and trying to figure out what cards they're playing. Specifically, you want to think about what their 'range' of hands is based on their previous actions. This is only something that can be gained by watching your opponents during every hand—including the ones you're not involved in.

The goal is to build a profile of everybody at the table so you can figure out what range they play in each situation.
For example, if you see another player get caught trying to steal blinds with 6-5 unsuited in late position, you know that they have a wide range in these situations, allowing you to call against them with more hands.
Keep in mind that it's tougher to read opponents as you move up in stakes. So it's nice to hone these skills, along with your overall no limit holdem strategy, in the micro stakes before moving up in limits.

Texas Holdem Tips On Winning

How to be Good at Poker - Intermediate Tips

Whether you want to know how to win a poker tournament or master Omaha poker strategy, there's always a deeper level to take your knowledge. So once you've spent enough time grinding and studying poker tips, it's time to take your game further.
Some of the intermediate concepts that you want to study include value betting, continuation betting, 3-betting and creating your table image. Learning all these Texas holdem tips won't guarantee that you become a pro; however, intermediate strategy does at least serve as a bridge between starting out and becoming a long-term winning player.
For example, profiling your opponent and putting them on a range of hands falls in line with basic poker strategy. But understanding their raise range and knowing when to 3-bet takes things to another level. Part of learning concepts like these is gaining experience against a wide range of opponents at specific stakes. But it also pays to continue using a variety of tools for improving your poker skills, which we'll discuss next.

Tools for learning Poker Strategy

Image credit - Raed Photography
The quest for learning how to be good at poker never ends—and that's what is so great about the game. By continually improving and picking up new poker tips, you stand a better chance of winning money. And what's nice is that you have a large variety of options when it comes to poker strategy. Here's a brief rundown on some different tools that you can use:
  • Poker Articles - Abundant, and very good for learning the basics of how to win at poker. It's especially nice when articles are categorized in beginner, intermediate and advanced sections.
  • Poker Books - These are a good way to get inside the head of a pro and see how they think when playing the game. Just be sure that the concepts are relevant and not outdated, though.
  • Training Videos - There was an explosion of training videos in the late 2000s, as players moved away from books/articles and craved visual strategy. The great thing about training videos is that you get to see players actually playing online poker as they discuss different topics. But beware that not everybody who does training videos is a long-term winner.
  • Live Streaming (Twitch) - This has become one of the most-popular ways to learn poker tips because you get to watch skilled pros in real-time. Plus, you might also be entertained by some of the better Twitch performers. Jason Somerville,Bertrand Grospellier and Jaime Staples have become stars through live streaming.
  • Coaching - You can get one-on-one training by hiring a coach. The quality of coaching you get often depends on whom you hire and how much money you spend. But this option is worth pursuing if you want a good player to critique your play and explain what you need to do to get better.
  • Heads-Up Displays (HUDs) - These are tools that help keep track of various stats on opponents and your own play during a session. Some online poker sites have banned these tools while others still allow you to use HUDs since they aren't technically cheating.
As you can see, there are lots of different ways to get better at poker. The main thing that you need to do is dedicate enough time to the matter and take advantage of all these methods so that you have a strong chance of learning how to win at Texas Holdem poker.